Nature Pack


Rocks, ground materials and grass textures with variations for summer and winter scenes.

If you have questions visit the forum or contact the author by using the links below.

Release Notes:

  • v 2.0  - new PBR materials, winter assets + textures


  1. Package Contents

  2. Optimization


Package Contents


In the 'Nature Pack/Prefabs' subfolder you will find four types of prefabs. Please do not use the source models.

Static Prefabs

Use these for static scenery in your scene. Path: 'Nature Pack/Prefabs'.

Dynamic Prefabs

Dynamic rocks with simplified convex colliders and rigidbody components. Path: 'Nature Pack/Prefabs/Dynamic'.

Winter Prefabs

Static rocks with winter materials. Path: 'Nature Pack/Prefabs/Winter'.

Mobile Prefabs

Mobile optimized rocks with lower level of detail and mobile friendly materials. Path: 'Nature Pack/Prefabs/Mobile'.

Grass Textures:

There are three versions of each grass texture in the 'Nature Pack/Vegetation/Textures' subfolder.

The root folder contains the regular version of each texture.

Inside the 'Shaded' folder you will find textures with a shadow overlay. This makes the grass look more realistic, because it doesn't receive shadows from other grass meshes by default.

The 'Winter' folder contains frozen grass textures.


Ground materials can be found in the 'Nature Pack/Materials' subfolder.

Using M-O-E-S textures

These textures contain surface information: Metallic(red channel), Ambient Occlusion(green channel), Emission Power(blue channel), Smoothness(alpha channel / transparency).

They can be used for the 'Metallic' and 'Occlusion' inputs of the standard shader.



Texture Compression

You can change the texture compression in the import settings to improve the color quality. Simply select textures using the Project Browser and change the 'Compression' on the Inspector panel.

Texture Size

For use on mobile devices you might want to limit the texture size to 512px or 256px. You can also do this in the import settings for the textures.

Grass Meshes

Using grass meshes might slow down the rendering process.

Alternative Textures

If you want to remove the carved circle from landmark1, you can replace its texture with 'Landmark1 Diffuse_1.png' from the 'Nature Pack/Textures' folder.


You can improve performance if you enable 'Static Batching' in the player settings (Edit -> Project Settings -> Player). This will automatically combine static objects to reduce draw calls.


If the LOD levels of objects change to early or to late, you can either adjust them individually or change the LOD-Bias in the quality settings (Edit -> Project Settings -> Quality).